Volunteer With Montavilla Farmers Market
Get Involved
We are currently looking for volunteers to help staff our POP (Power of Produce) Club which offers taste-tests of market produce to children during our winter season which runs November through April.
All ages are welcome to try a new local vegetable item being sold at the market. For their bravery, kiddos ages 2-12 receive a $3 market coupon to spend on any fruits or vegetables!
POP Club offers two volunteer shifts that run from 9:45 am-12 pm and 12 pm- 2:15 pm.
The morning volunteer is responsible for selecting and preparing the item that will be tasted that day on our camp stove, and offering up taste-tests from 10am-12pm.
The afternoon shift is responsible for running taste tests from 12pm-2pm and cleanup following the market.
Both shifts require standing outside in all kinds of weather, chatting with kids, and engaging with the public. Cooking skills, food safety experience, and familiarity with local produce are a major plus!
If you're interested in signing up for one or two upcoming volunteer shifts, please follow the links below or email our Market Manager at manager@montavillamarket.org.